Monday, August 29, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday - Circles

This week, The Muffin suggested Circles as her Muffin Tin Monday theme, and I was quite pleased about that, because it required very little effort fitted in well with the foods I was planning to give her.

Top Row: Apple slices; Gold kiwifruit (looks greenish in the picture but was actually bright yellow); Chocolate coated raspberry.

Bottom Row: Dried figs; Yoghurt with round sprinkles (and some purple jimmies, which The Muffin desperately wanted on her yoghurt, and justified by saying "they are circles from some angles, Mummy", pointing out that the ends of each jimmy are circular. Which I thought was quite clever, so I went along with it); Sweet potato chips.

The After Shot:

The apple and chocolate all went, plus most of the yoghurt. The other three items were all new foods for The Muffin, and she willingly tasted - and liked - them all. Score! I was particularly impressed with her reception of the kiwifruit, as she won't touch green kiwifruit with a bargepole. I don't think the yellow variety is destined to be her favourite thing ever, but she did like it.

Not sure why she didn't eat as much as usual - she's had a bit of a cold the last few days, so I guess she just wasn't very hungry.

To see what other mummies (and possibly daddies?) did this week, go check out the Muffin Tin Mom's blog.


Sharla said...

great tin! I'm glad she liked the kiwi. I've never even heard of anything but the regular green kiwi. I like the circles theme! Hope your little muffin is feeling better soon!

Sweet Carolina Grace said...

Circles w/ angles - very clever - she definitely thought about that one - she really wanted them! :) Good job!

Anonymous said...

I would have tried the sweet potato chips!

SnoopyGirl said...

I love sweet potato chips. Cute liners by the way! :0)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if my kids would like the sweet potato chips...
What a clever little thing to figure out that the jimmies were circles on the ends :)

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