...I haven't posted for ages. Again. But the truth is, I just haven't really baked anything much recently. Nothing new, anyway.
But fear not, because you will be hearing significantly more from me over the next few weeks. Yes, that's right, Wedding Cake Number Two looms in my immediate future!! And it's a doozy... In the interest of secrecy on behalf of the bride, I won't post any details until after the wedding, but there's not long to wait...
Then, following close upon the heels of the wedding, Hallowe'en is almost upon us - huzzah! I know most Australians (particularly Generation X and older) tend to feel that Hallowe'en is terribly commercial and American, and Not Relevant To Our Lifestyle. However, to them I say COOKIES AND CUPCAKES AND EXCUSES TO DRESS UP!!!! And have parties. Which we are. Or at any rate, our next-door-neighbours and dear friends are, and I'm kind of co-hosting. Which essentially means poking my nose into the decorating, baking spooky treats, and generally having a lovely time. Yay! Some of the things we're planning should look awesome, so I'll be sure to post lots of pics. I'm very excited today as I have bitten the bullet and bought some of those gorgeous spiderweb cupcake wrappers by Paper Orchid which I have been eyeing off for months...
Bring on the bright orange buttercream! (Oh yeah - but not until after the wedding....)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I know, I know...
Posted by Sugary Flower at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Ahoy there me hearties! Aye, I know, I be a couple o' days late wi' me Talk Like A Pirate Day post, but it's only because I were too busy talkin' - and bakin' - like a buccaneer on the day itself!
We aboard The Pale Horse partied like pirates on t'evenin' o' the 19th - there was grub, wenches, rum and o' course plenty o' buried treasure! In honour o' the occasion, me little deckie an' I rustled up some pirattical treats...
And o' course no pirate party would be complete aboard this ship without me decorated cookies!
Posted by Sugary Flower at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cookies, Cupcakes, Themed Parties
Friday, August 21, 2009
RSPCA Cupcake Day
Last Monday was RSPCA Cupcake Day - an annual fundraiser in which everyone in Australia is encouraged to bake cupcakes and sell them to friends, colleagues, etc, with all proceeds going to help our furry and feathered friends. Naturally since there was cake involved, I had to be too.
Having done dog and cat faces last year, I fancied a farm animal theme this year, and in the end I decided on sheep and ducks. There was, in the end, some contention about whether my sheep looked like sheep or poodles, but I figured either way they were still animals.
I handmade my little duckies out of sugarpaste, and they sat happily on top of a swirl of blue buttercream, one for each cupcake.
For the sheep, I wanted the actual cupcake to be the sheep. So....
How to Build A Sheep (or possibly Poodle):
Make yummy cupcakes......... Pipe buttercream all over them using a star nozzle.....
Add marshmallows for the head and ears.... Pipe extra buttercream on top of the head....
And finally add eyes and nose with black icing - voila! A cute little sheep (or, indeed, poodle). (And his army of clone sheepoodles who do not as yet have faces...)
Posted by Sugary Flower at 8:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: Children's Cakes, Cupcakes
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My little apprentice
Okay, so a completely self-indulgent-mummy post this week, just to show that this baking thing really is contagious - my little girl and I have been baking cookies!
The Muffin has loved helping Mummy cook for ages, but this is the first time she's had a controlling hand in the decorating side of things... Obviously the cookies were, shall we say, rather abstract in their design (some of the teddybear ones were declared "finished" with nothing more than a tiny belly-button), and the sprinkles went absolutely everywhere, but we had lots of fun.
The Muffin was so proud of herself - she was allowed to use Mummy's piping bag. I thought I'd help her hold it, but: "No Mummy, I want to do it my own." Very cute. But when asked what the best part of making the cookies was, there was no doubt at all in her mind - it was the sprinkles!
Posted by Sugary Flower at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cookies
Monday, August 3, 2009
To boldly go...
...where yes, okay, lots and lots of cake decorators have gone before. But it's all good fun nevertheless.
Some weeks ago, I said to my husband, "So what would you like for your birthday cake, honey? Keeping in mind I'm going to have just finished a wedding cake, and I am so not going to be in the mood to do anything too full-on?" He said, "How about the Starship Enterprise?" I think he was joking. At any rate, my answer was "ha ha". But it got me thinking... Then my husband (who, by the way, thinks he is not a geek) announced that it had to be the original model, not the 1701-E or anything (because they are just soooo last week...) I started to wonder if it was possible to do sort of a half-hearted attempt without it just looking rubbish.Then he said "Hey, what about a croquembouche?" I gave him the evil eye, and a choice: he could have a "normal" cake and churros at his party, or he could have a croquembouche. And no churros. He chose Option A. And "normal" for me meant, you guessed it, the USS Enterprise.
Anyway, here's the result - judge for yourselves! I'm sure that if I had devoted weeks of painstaking sculpting to this project, I could have made something a little more true to the original, but that just wasn't going to happen this time I'm afraid. So one evening and one Saturday morning later, this baby was ready to be beamed up. And everyone knew what it was. And my husband got to have his cake, and eat churros too - smiles all round.
(by the way, sorry for the dodgy pics - I forgot to take a photo of the finished cake before the party. You can't really see it at all in the photos, but the bridge section (ie the big round bit) was actually elevated a bit, to a) create a "floating" or "flying" effect, and b) because it's supposed to be higher up than the bottom section of the ship. The board was covered in black sugarpaste, dusted with silver lustre dust to look like distant stars.)
Posted by Sugary Flower at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: 3D Novelty Cakes, Birthday Cakes
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tiptoeing through the TULIPS.....
Okay, so once again I haven't posted for ages. Hopeless, I know. And despite the fact that very likely the only person actually reading this is my mother, I am hereby making a... well, let's call it a New Financial Year's Resolution, to post here more regularly. I'm going to aim for once a week. God knows I bake often enough, I just never seem to get around to loading the photos up and writing something. But I have an excuse this time, I swear...
Posted by Sugary Flower at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Flowers, Wedding Cakes
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I'm ba-ack...!
Yes, I know, it's been a very long time since my last post - almost three months in fact! No good excuses really - I've been very busy of course, what with flying East to visit my husband's family (complete with a very odd and embarrassing cupcake-baking episode, in which I managed to break my mother-in-law's mixer, much to her amusement - thank goodness - and then had to finish making my vanilla cupcakes AND make buttercream from scratch, using only a wooden spoon and muscle-power!! This is not a method I recommend, either for its rather heavy end product or for the fact that I nearly had a cardiac from the unaccustomed exercise...), as well as having just come unscathed through my own family's busiest birthday season of the year (what goes on nine months previous to May every year, anyway??), and having been ill, and the fact that I'm going to be a bridesmaid in July, and the preparations for the wedding are now in full swing... Phew...! Really though, I guess I just haven't posted out of laziness really. Sometimes it's just too damn appealing to park myself on the lounge in front of Grey's Anatomy or House with a cup of tea. But speaking of the idiot box, the current season of Masterchef Australia has got me all excited about cooking again, and naturally specifically baking...
So okay, I have done a bit of baking over the last few months - I have been on a mission to find a mudcake recipe that actually tastes (and feels, and looks) like mudcake, as opposed to just rich chocolate cake. Not an easy task, I can tell you. Some taste really good, but just aren't that really dense texture. Anyway, I finally found one that is, and it's at Planet Cake. To be honest it's not quite my all-time favourite tasting chocolate cake (although it is pretty damn good), but the texture is awesome. Real mud cake, finally. I recommend it, and I also think it's jolly nice of the amazing craftspeople at Planet Cake to put their recipe online. Anyone who decides to buy me their book will be extremely popular...For my own birthday cake I went a bit different this year - no elaborate decorations, not a piping bag in sight. I made a Japonaise cake, which I found at Taste.com.au - and it was fantastic. For those who are unfamiliar with this little beauty (as indeed I was), it's a French creation, consisting of an ultra-silky, sexy coffee buttercream sandwiched between several very thin layers of almond meringue. Yum. There were no leftovers, people went back for seconds.
If you do give this one a bash, keep in mind that this is very unusual buttercream - it takes quite a bit of time and patience (and a splatter-guard would have been quite good too) to get the butter to take up the coffee - but it is totally worth it.Oh and the other kind of fun thing I did recently was for my friend's son's birthday - he is mad-keen on Ben10 at the moment, which I had never heard of (The Muffin being a girl, and only two). So he says he fancies a Humungosaur cake. So I say "sure, no worries." Anyway he was thrilled with the end result, his mum was happy, I was happy, so it was all good. (And be kind - I would like to point out that his eyebrow ridges got smushed against the top of the box before this photo was taken, and he had also been sitting in said box in a park for a couple of hours)
Anyway, I'm done, it's midnight, I'm off to bed. This ended up being kind of a long post - making up for lost time, I guess - so sorry about that, and congrats if you got this far....!
Posted by Sugary Flower at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthday Cakes, Children's Cakes
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
In the Night Garden...
My little girl has been madly in love with the television show In The Night Garden (and all the characters therein) for some time now. So when we were deciding on a theme for her second birthday party, the choice was obvious.
I decided that whilst I didn't mind spending a lot of time on the decorations for her cake in advance, I really wanted the cake itself to be pretty quick to sort out on the day. So I decided to ice it just with buttercream, rather than messing about with sugarpaste - plus I figured the buttercream is what people really want to eat anyway. And it turned out pretty well, the only problem being that some of the figures (all handmade a couple of weeks in advance from sugarpaste) had to be shoved down quite hard onto the buttercream so that they would stand up (I nearly had a cardiac - twice - when Iggle Piggle decided to do a backflip off the side of the cake onto the table. Luckily he was unharmed). Next time I do figures this top-heavy, I shall be inserting a wooden skewer or something up their... um... bottoms, so that they are more stable and less stress-inducing.
Anyway, the Muffin loved her cake, a good time was had by all at the Night Garden party, and she was thoroughly spoilt with all the lovely presents she received (thank you everyone who came!)
I can't wait for next year! : )
Posted by Sugary Flower at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Children's Cakes
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Exterminate... exterminate...!
Aaah, yes. The Dalek cake. This was made for a friend's birthday last September - she is, as you may have guessed, a Doctor Who fan of tragic proportions. This cake is the current undisputed titleholder of "my most time-consuming cake ever" - it took fourteen hours to decorate. All the panels, knobs, switches, iris, "ears" and weird bath plunger thing (which I've never been able to see a use for, by the way. I do watch the new Doctor Who, and I must say I've never seen a Dalek try to unclog a toilet), were individually handmade from sugarpaste, then dusted with bronze shimmer dust (where appropriate). The only non-edible parts of this cake were the rod supporting the iris (wooden dowel), the rod supporting the bath plunger thing (slightly thinner wooden dowel), and the laser, which my darling husband manufactured for me in his shed using a soldering iron (and yes, it was cleaned thoroughly before insertion!).
Posted by Sugary Flower at 6:31 PM 3 comments
Labels: 3D Novelty Cakes, Birthday Cakes
Monday, February 2, 2009
Hello, and welcome to my brand-spanking-new blog, where I will come to show off all my latest forays into the world of baking (or at least I will when I have time)...
Posted by Sugary Flower at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthday Cakes, Children's Cakes, Cupcakes