Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In the Night Garden...

My little girl has been madly in love with the television show In The Night Garden (and all the characters therein) for some time now. So when we were deciding on a theme for her second birthday party, the choice was obvious.

I decided that whilst I didn't mind spending a lot of time on the decorations for her cake in advance, I really wanted the cake itself to be pretty quick to sort out on the day. So I decided to ice it just with buttercream, rather than messing about with sugarpaste - plus I figured the buttercream is what people really want to eat anyway. And it turned out pretty well, the only problem being that some of the figures (all handmade a couple of weeks in advance from sugarpaste) had to be shoved down quite hard onto the buttercream so that they would stand up (I nearly had a cardiac - twice - when Iggle Piggle decided to do a backflip off the side of the cake onto the table. Luckily he was unharmed). Next time I do figures this top-heavy, I shall be inserting a wooden skewer or something up their... um... bottoms, so that they are more stable and less stress-inducing.

Anyway, the Muffin loved her cake, a good time was had by all at the Night Garden party, and she was thoroughly spoilt with all the lovely presents she received (thank you everyone who came!)

I can't wait for next year! : )

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